Proteomics Services available at A* Star Research Support Centre
IBL's ELISA & Antibodies - Made in Japan

Transmembrane (TM) Protein / mainly expressed in neuron cell
Microtubule protein / expresses in nerve axons
Fibulin-5 / DANCE / α-Synuclein etc.
Transmembrane (TM) protein / mainly expressed in kidneys and parathyroid glands
Biomarker for research in hypertension / involved in the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System
​#27412 h_Total Angiotensinogen (AGT)
​#27742 h_Intact Angiotensinogen (AGT)
Critical effector molecule / pathogenesis and progression of lgA Nephropathy (IGAN)
#27782 hmr_s(Pro) Renin Receptor
Receptor of OX40 ligand (OX40L) / transactivated by Tax of HTLV-1 / express in activated CD4+ and CD8+ T Cells
Active biomarker used in research of inflammatory related diseases
Secreted glycoprotein / ligand of Galectin-3 / useful blood biomarker for research of chronic hepatic diseases
Galectin-3, G-CSF, Osteopontin, Periostin, Syndecan-4, Tenascin-C, VEGF Family, VEGF Receptor, N-ERC/Mesothelin, etc.
Strategically developed to prevent non-specific unwanted reaction against HAMA even if the hectic solid-phase extraction (SPE) process is skipped / level of sensitivity provides stable assay results even in low concentration range in fasting / can be used among human, mouse and rat samples.
#27700 hmr_GLP-1, active (h.s.)*
* GLP-1: 20µL
* GIP: 5µL
Insulin (ELISA/CLEIA), Dpp4/CD26, ANGPTL 2,3,4,8 , LPL/HTGL, EL, GPIHBP1, ApoA5, ApoB100, etc.

ProBioscience Technologies
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62 Ubi Rd 1, #11-14, Singapore 408734
+65 6980 8108