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Cytoskeleton's Signal-Seeker PTM detection tools Promo
15% discount on listed items
Validity: 15th May 2022 to 30th Jun 2022

Signal-Seeker Detection Tools > Acetyl-Lysine Tools
Post-translational acetylation occurs on the epsilon amino group of lysine residues as a reversible and highly dynamic PTM that is known to be a key regulator in multiple cellular events, including chromatin structure, transcription, metabolism, signal transduction and cytoskeletal regulation.
Easily study target protein acetylation with the comprehensive Acetyl-Lysine Detection Kit: No mass spectrometry necessary
Broad spectrum Acetyl-Lysine affinity beads for acetylome studies by mass spectrometry
Unique acetyl-lysine antibodies detect the broadest range of acetylated proteins by Immunofluorescence
HRP labeled acetyl-lysine antibody saves on time and decreases background when performing western analysis
Available Products:

Signal-Seeker Detection Tools > Phosphotyrosine Tools
Tyrosine phosphorylation, a reversible process, is a frequent post-translational modification of proteins and is crucial in mediating signal transduction in eukaryotic cells after exposure to cytokines and growth factors. Signal-Seeker™ phosphotyrosine products provide a comprehensive system to validate and study novel phosphotyrosine modifications for any target protein.
Easily study target protein tyrosine phosphorylation with the comprehensive Phosphotyrosine Detection Kit: No mass spectrometry necessary
Broad spectrum Phosphotyrosine affinity beads for tyrosine phosphorylation studies by mass spectrometry
Unique Phosphotyrosine antibody detects a broad range of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins
HRP labeled phosphotyrosine antibody saves on time and decreases background when performing western analysis
Available Products:
APY03 APY03-S APY03-HRP APY03-HRP-S APY03-Beads BK160 BK160-S

Signal-Seeker Detection Tools > SUMOylation 1 Tools
SUMOylation is a dynamic and reversible process that plays pivotal roles in transcriptional regulation, chromatin remodeling, response to stress and regulation of mitosis. Signal-Seeker™ SUMOylation 1 products provide a simple and effective way to determine if your target protein is modified and regulated by this PTM.
Quickly detect SUMO 1 modifications of novel target proteins with our comprehensive SUMOylation 1 Detection Kit: No mass Spectrometry necessary
Broad spectrum SUMOylation 1 affinity beads provide best-in-class enrichment of SUMO 1 modified proteins
Pan SUMO 1 antibody has superior SUMO 1 detection and sensitivity
Available Products:

Signal-Seeker Detection Tools > SUMOylation 2/3 Tools
SUMOylation is a dynamic and reversible process that plays pivotal roles in transcriptional regulation, chromatin remodeling, response to stress and regulation of mitosis. Signal-Seeker™ SUMOylation 2/3 products provide a simple and effective way to determine if your target protein is modified and regulated by this PTM.
Easily study SUMO 2/3 modifications of target proteins with our comprehensive SUMOylation 2/3 Detection Kit: No mass Spectrometry necessary
Broad spectrum SUMOylation 2/3 affinity beads provide superior enrichment of SUMO 2/3 modified proteins
Pan SUMOylation 2/3 antibody has the most robust SUMO 2/3 detection available
Available Products:

Signal-Seeker Detection Tools > SUMOylation 2/3 Tools
Protein ubiquitination is a regulatory mechanism that controls protein:protein interactions, protein degradation, and spatial localization, which is mediated by chain specific poly-ubiquitination and/or mono-ubiquitination. Signal-Seeker™ ubiquitination tools have the unique ability to capture both mono- and poly-ubiquitination for any target protein.
Easily study target protein ubiquitination with our comprehensive Ubiquitination Detection Kit: No mass Spectrometry necessary
Broad spectrum ubiquitination affinity beads enrich both mono- and poly-ubiquitination
Pan ubiquitin antibody detects a broad range of ubiquitinated proteins including K48, K63, and M1 poly-ubiquitin chains
Available Products:
Actin Products > Protein
Offering unmatched activity and purity in the most comprehensive actin portfolio.
Choice of >95% or >99% pure
Labeled or unlabeled proteins
Cytoplasmic, and cardiac, skeletal and smooth muscle sources
Bulk quantities available
Available Products:

Signal-Seeker Detection Tools > BlastR™ Filter System
The BlastR™ lysis filtration system allows users to capture proteins from all cellular compartments using a denaturing buffer to obtain a more complete protein profile relative to standard non-denaturing buffers. One significant drawback with denaturing buffers is the viscous genomic DNA contamination that can interfere with protein analysis, migration of proteins on an SDS-PAGE gel, and interference with immunoprecipitation assays.
BlastR™ filters remove viscous genomic DNA from denaturing cell lysis buffer extracts while reducing processing time to less than one minute. The proprietary filtration technology is based on a compressible polyurethane filter with optimal pore size for capturing genomic DNA. The compressible nature of the filter allows for maximal recovery of sample which is usually 90% of the original volume.
Two versions are available: 1) filters plus buffers version (Cat. # BLR01, includes; BlastR™ Lysis Buffer), which was developed as an integrated component of the Signal-Seeker™ PTM detection product line. The BlastR™ lysis buffer was optimized as a "universal" immunoprecipitation buffer for low abundance PTM modified proteins. Additionally, it effectively isolates proteins from all cellular compartments making it useful for western blot applications. 2) Filters only (Cat. # BLR02, which allows the operator to use their own denaturing buffer such as guanidine, urea or high SDS based extraction buffers that usually produce copious viscosity.
Available Products: